
Join soundfair

Support Soundfair by joining us

Individuals: $40 (inc. GST) per year

Organisations and businesses: $335 (inc. GST)  per year

Join us and you become part of our Soundfair community. You will be engaged in our online conversations and Soundfair events across Australia. As a highly valued supporter of the Soundfair mission, you will have the opportunity to inform Soundfair’s key initiatives and service offerings into the future. 

Together, we will empower hearing equality. That sounds fair to us.

Organisations or businesses receive: A copy of Earshot, a photo-series book depicting hearing conditions by Kate-Disher Quill, for your clinic waiting-room or communal office area. Organisations and businesses receive 10% off bulk purchase orders of Soundfair KeepCups, and bulk copies of Earshot. If you would like to order KeepCups or extra copies of Earshot, please contact [email protected]