Hearing for Healing art competition

Competition details

Selection criteria 

Tell us what is important to you. What ear and hearing health message would you tell your

  1. Child
  2. Parent
  3. Grandparent
  4. Self

Be inspired by the theme of NAIDOC “healing country” and reflect this in your health messaging…. Hearing for Healing.

(prizes awarded in each of these four categories)

We are looking for art that: 

  • resonates with Community to encourage good ear and hearing health.
  • speaks to Victorian Aboriginal culture  
  • aligns with the theme for NAIDOC week “healing country”
  • can be used in whole or in part without affecting the integrity or meaning of the piece. 
  • can be scanned to be used electronically.
  • the final work will need to be high resolution if it is digital (no smaller that 15MB/RGB) 
  • it is possible to high resolution scan the final work if it is not digital (scan/photograph) 

Selection process 

  1. Panel of high-profile judges will select four artists or designers based on the above selection criteria.
  2. Prizes will be awarded in the following four categories.

If you are interested in submitting an application, please complete: this form and return it to Hearing Australia with your art submission by Monday 31 May 2021. (jpeg/pdf/MP4 files are fine, please do not send original artwork).