Donate to our Hearing Bank

Our Hearing bank provides low or no cost hearing wellbeing services and devices to vulnerable people in our community.

Did you know?

A pair of hearing aids purchased through the private market ranges from $5,000 to $10,000. Federal Government funding for hearing aids is limited, and this leaves many people to struggle with hearing conditions on their own.

Our Hearing Bank program aims to overcome the social and emotional impacts of hearing conditions by providing hearing healthcare and devices to people who couldn’t otherwise afford them. That doesn’t sound fair to us.

We rely on your support to serve the most vulnerable people in our society.

  • $5 will shout a Hearing Bank storyteller a coffee.
  • $50 will cover the cost of an ear mould.
  • $250 will cover the cost to refurbish a hearing aid or a Connection Coach appointment.
  • $500 will cover the cost of two hearing aids.
  • $1000 will provide one person in need of hearing health a full program of individual support, including mental health and devices.

Thank you for your support.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

Helen Keller